Saturday, November 14, 2009

Iran | Protests Continue By Boycotting Football Match

And the protests in Iran still go on…

The people in Iran seem to have boycotted the Iranian soccer game in Tehran's Azadi Stadium. It has been estimated that only 100 people showed up even though the regime attempted to draw in more fans.
Iranians love their soccer, so the fact that the stadium is virtually empty speaks highly of the dissatisfaction with the regime! So take that you evil dictators!
If this is not evident of the resiliency of the Iranian people…I don’t know what is! If you’ll remember this past summer, droves of people in Iran came out in protest against the fraudulent election results. They are still going strong.
Following the events in Iran, I'm blown away by the courageous Iranians that have been protesting the regime since June. The people’s protests against the mullah-cracy have been non-violent while the hard-line regime has responded by brutalizing, imprisoning, abusing, and torturing their own people. It’s truly sick and what makes the situation worse is the fact that Pres. Obama seems unconcerned even while the Iranian people have begged for him to speak up or fail to recognize the regime as they are not representative of the people. Instead, Obama has seemed eager to work with the brutal regime. Obama’s actions since the election amount to spitting in the face of the people of Iran who are begging for a taste of freedom. I am truly ashamed of the behavior of our government. We are supposed to be freedom supporters. He doesn't have to meddle if he doesn't feel that its an appropriate course of action, whatever , at this point I don't really care but I do care that you are meddling by supporting a brutal regime knowing that they appointed themselves without the approval of the people. Recently, during a protest, the people told Obama, you're either with us or with them...Obama must decide, what side does he want to align with...liberty or tyranny?



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