Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ridiculousness | Michelle Obama Gets Her Own Action Figure

Beyond Ridiculous! Just tell me why? Who would want one? Honestly, I wouldn't want one even if it were handed to me for free! I don't mean to be rude but I don't understand why?
I don't idolize my leaders, they serve during their term and then they are out. I love my country and I respect the office of Presidency...Ill never idolize a President. Even if I were to get all gushy over an elected official, it definitely would be someone who would deserve to be gushed over...hmm perhaps someone who fought for our country and loves and respects our country? If any couple deserves action figures it would be the McCain's. John served the military, was held captive for years while his wife Cindy has devoted her life to charity and helping the poor. Whatever my thoughts are about McCain's views, if anyone deserves to have an action figure...it would be him.
The same company that created the Barack Obama action figure, Jailbreak Toys, designed the Michelle Obama action figure. The company believes that Michelle will do even better than the Barack action figure which sold about 200,000. Like I said before, I don't understand why anyone would want this but then again, Obama-mania is an illness and being obsessed with all things Obama is one of the prevalent symptoms.
The company goes as far as to point out her oh-so-tone arms because we all haven't heard enough about them...I'm sorry but get a cardigan already! I still don't understand what they are talking about but that's okay?



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