Saturday, September 19, 2009

VA Gubernatorial Race | Creigh Deeds Incoherant Tax Rant Gaffe

If I were his campaign manager right now, I’d be spinning in more ways than one! Actually, that is exactly why I’ve been on hiatus from campaigning! Can we say...stresssssfuulllll! It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but if politics is something you enjoy and you want to be hands on then by all means, go for it!
During the Democratic primaries in Virginia, Creigh Deeds virtually came out of nowhere. After winning the Washington Post endorsement and voila, he became the Dem nominee (for those who do not live in the DC/VA/MD area, the Washington post can play a heavy hand during elections which is most unfortunate).
In the video below Deeds proves his lack of comprehension on taxes! Not only does it not make any sense, it shows how unprepared he is for such a demanding position. How bad is the gaffe below? In my opinion, it makes the whole 'I voted for it before I voted against it' response sound good!
Deeds’ campaign lacks substantive information on specific plans and how he is going to go about implementing the promises made in campaign speeches and debates. While the Deeds campaign seems to have the support of the lib media (mainstream media), I don’t think they can continue to prop him up. He needs to step it up! The problem is, I just don’t know if that’s possible for him to do.

Hmm…I wonder, has Wash Po called Deeds out for responding to the reporter, “young lady”, which was said in a condescending way? Highly doubt it. They had their victory last time by smearing George Allen with his “Macaca” moment and now they’re trying to go for 2-0.



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